What I am saying is something is causing latency in the wireless connection right? Its unlikly to be hardware since many many others have been able to game on the wireless with little or no problem. So that leaves configuration and surrounding (enviromental, what ever you want to call it) effects. Configuration envolves alot of trial and error. Enviromental is more straight forward, you keep the exsisting configuration and hardware, and you change the environment and see if the problem continues. When trouble shooting a unknown like this, you have to be methodical, since this is most likly not going to be a basic answer. If we make assumptions on the cause were probably not going to find a answer. Yes, it could be the mouse or the modem, or some cell phone tower, or someones CB radio near by, or heck, space rays from mars, I don't know. All unlikly yes, but if the problem was likly, you would have most likly found a solution by now. :-)