Another thing that is weird is with my old cheap router i had 87% signal at the low to 100% signal almost all the time. With this new router on my PS3 its showing a signal rating of like 55% and this one has 3 antenna's (spelling haha took me like 10 minutes to come up with that can not think how to spell it atm)
I was reading the PS3 guide and it says that if my modem has an internal router it will not matter if I set the ports open for the PS3 or that is what I got from the wording. I would just disable the modem router on my own, but my ISP provider was pretty clear not to, so I want to do what they say.
So pretty much, i'm taking it that I am not going to get full performance from this router b/c of it. All I wanted anyways was a better/fast/stronger connection and i'm thinking about just running a wired line to it and that would most likely solve my issues. Thanks again for the help, but i'll probably just end up sending the router back tomorrow.