I currently use a WBR-2310. It works great! I also have an EBR-2310 in the box that works good also. However, I want to put my printer on the network and have a CAT5 for my laptop. Problem is, I ran out of LANs. I want to use the WBR-2310 as my primary router. Somehow, I want to use the EBR-2310 for its additional ports. Is that making the EBR-2310 an additional switch?
Would I temporarily disconnect the WBR-2310 and connect the EBR-2310 to disable the DHCP? Then disconnect the EBR-2310, reconnect the WBR-2310 as the primary router, connect my Internet to the WAN of the WBR, connect a cat 5 to the 1st LAN of the WBR and 1st LAN of the EBR, connect my printer to a 2nd LAN of the WBR, a Win XP desktop to the 3rd LAN of the WBR, a cat 5 for my laptop (Win 7) to the 4th LAN of the WBR, then 3 Win XP desktops to the 3 remaining LANS of the EBR? (No, this is not a business. My son has an XP desktop, my wife has an XP desktop, I have an XP desktop and Win 7 laptop.)
Currently, the HP printer is directly hooked up via USB to my desktop. To use my laptop with the printer, I have to disconnect the USB from the desktop and plug it in the laptop. By hooking up the printer to the WBR, I'm hoping to use the wifi of the laptop to print/scan/fax, etc. so I don't have to mess with disconnecting and connecting USB cables. The reason I want a cat 5 (direct connect) for the laptop is for any updates, program downloads, etc. Some program downloads state that the download can only be done by direct connect, not wifi.