There are problems with both the D-Link firmware and the MediaMall software. I'm using the latest of both. I updated the DSM-520 first to 1.06.01 and it the unit had all kinds of problems. It wouldn't play my MPEG files and WMV's were jumpy and stuttering. Active-TV On-line would connect but would take forever to log into any site. I decided to update the MediaMall software and things just got worse. Now I can no longer log into Active-TV On-line consistently. I've tried about 10 times and only gotten in once. When I did log in, I noticed that some features were missing and not working (example- hulu shows up when I launch Active-TV On-line on my PC, it doesn't work, but it shows up. While logged into the MediaMall software through the DSM-520, hulu doesn't even show up!) I am regretting the day I purchased this. So join the club of dissatisfied users.