It is ntp.conf. ntp.drift gets created automatically to calculate what it thinks the drift will be so that it doesn't have to constantly contact the ntp server (instead it applies the drift for some time, and then contacts the ntp server).
You should probably not use the servers I'm using (even though they would work, ntp is based on UTC time it doesn't care where you are from). Actually best might to be use the ones from this page: (server, ...) Or better yet could also drill down and only use the ones from your region (Use the pool not the individual servers)
If you're removing the rtc commands are you saying there are no adverse effects providing the time is set from a time server?
Yes that is true provide the system clock gets set. Here is what is happening.
Your system (DNS-323) has a "Real Time Clock", which is to say it has hardware that keeps the time of the day and will maintain the time even with the system off (battery backed up). So when your system boots it will read the time and date from the RTC, but after it does it maintains its idea of the date and time separately from this clock. For one thing its system clock is much more precise. The RTC is only good to seconds. And in some systems the system might even write its concept of time back to the RTC before shutting down. Why? Because since the time of the first PC these RTC chip have kept terrible time (they drift a lot more then your cheapest watch). So basically I don't trust any of it.
If look you at the code in ffp/start/ I added this:
# Make sure the system clock is correct at start up.
ntpdate -b -u
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds"
sleep 10
ntpdate -b -u
What this does is try to set the system clock based on the the NTP server, and if it fails it gives another try in 10 seconds, (after that I just give up, after I want to boot more then to worry about the time).
The reason for ntpdate is because it says set the date plain and simple. If you just say well I have the NTP client checking time won't it get the time to the right time? Well the problem is that NTP was setup to compensate for small changes in time. It is in the protocol that it corrects time very slowly (as in minutes off can take hours or even days to correct). It is done like this so as not to disturb processes that are based on the time, like things in cron. And it even won't try to sync if the time is too far off.