yes if those IP addresses aren't your ISPs addresses. This is normal, thats the router and firewall doing it's job and the logs are reporting it as such.
Ya, I would hold off until your ISP gets there stuff together and you get a stable signal on the line. Your probably good to go on the router and the router is only doing it's job and if it can get enough signal from the modem because of noise and such on the line then your only going to see what it can get you. You could probably do the reset and see if you see any change..I doubt it though. I would set up the 4500 as you need it, get everything on static IPs, go head and get the game fuel rules filled in for the PS console and get it set up like you want it. Might leave off the game fuel for now until they get the signal better. Save off your config file. Run it as is or factory. Once they get the signal to where it should be, upload the config file and reboot, you should be good to go after that.