OK, guess I may come across as a little slow here, but I have used Unix some years ago, and the dreaded VI, but I seem to be unable to work out the paths. Below is what the original conf file has
cd /ffp/etc //change directory to the /ffp/etc folder
cp examples/lighttpd.conf . //copy the lighttpd.conf file from examples into current directory
cd /mnt/HD_a2 //navigate to /mnt/HD_a2.. our shared drive home..
mkdir logs //create directories for the logs
server.document-root = “/mnt/HD_a2/share/”
server.upload-dirs = ( “/mnt/HD_a2/tmp” )
server.errorlog = “/mnt/HD_a2/logs/error.log”
accesslog.filename = “/mnt/HD_a2/logs/access.log”
Now, we are ready to start off our webserver:
cd /ffp/start //navigate to the ‘start’ folder.
chmod a+x lighttpd.sh //grant execute permissions to all
sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh start //start up the web server!
When In FTP, I have set up from Volume_1 a folder called www with sub folders for pages & logs etc
/ # cd /ffp/start
/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start # sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh start
Starting /ffp/sbin/lighttpd -f /ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf
2010-12-15 11:50:45: (configfile.c.1167) base-docroot doesn't exist: Volume_1/www/pages/
2010-12-15 11:50:45: (server.c.584) setting default values failed
/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start #
What or where am I going wrong