Yesterday, I upgraded the firmware to 1.05. While prior to this, my PS3 could play saved videos residing on the DNS 323 for a tiime after upgrading to the 1.04 firmware, then a few weeks later, the PS3 claimed the files were corrupt and refused to play the files. However Quicktime could read and play the files with no problem on my Mac Pro tower.
NOW, with the upgrade of the DNS 323 firmware to 1.05, the PS3 sees absolutely nothing beyond the Share folder on the 323. It does not recognise my videos or audio files (mp3 and AAC).
The PS3 also fails to see any photos I have loadd on the DNS, which it played just fine not a week ago.
The other issue I have is that recently, my Roku Soundbridge, which for a short period could see all my music on the DNS 323, developed selective blindness and could only see a portion of my library for the last two weeks. Then, the Roku failed to play any files whatsoever (it fails to load the songlists/browse data). Now, I haven't had a chance to check the Roku out since the 1.05 firmware upgrade, so I will add to this later.
It looks to me like there has been a steady deterioration in the DNS 323 functionality over the past month or so.
Any ideas on a fix? Is there a way to wipe the DNS clean and start over, reloading video and audio files?