Hi all,
I'm trying to extend the range of my home network by using another router to repeat the wireless signal coming from my DIR-625,v.C. I wrote to D-Link technical support and they answered me, but their instructions are too general for a newbie like myself. Could someone take me through the procedure step by step?
Here is my question to technical support:
"How, exactly, do I configure a WDS link to another router that I want to use as a wireless repeater. I have the other router configured in WDS with the DIR-625's MAC. How do I configure the DIR-625 with the other router’s MAC for the 2nd half of the link?"
Here's D-link’s answer:
"From the e-mail it seems that you want to extend the wireless signal.
We suggest you to configure your AP in repeater mode.
You can scan in your AP & you will get MAC address of wireless router.
Use the MAC address of router to repeat wireless signal."
Thanks for any instructions