I decided to add a third 1TB drive to my DNS-323 (fw 1.03) archive strategy, creating a means to avoid congruent MTBF since both original drives were bought and installed at the same time.
Before storing it, I decided to check the second (left) drive for data vs. what I'd seen in the RAID config. I found two directories missing all content. I check the new drive after it had synched with the right drive and it too was missing the content of these directories. So I reinstalled my original (right) drive, found all the content of the directories, copied them to my local drive and they checked out ok. I then reinstalled my original left drive, reformatted, resysnched, and then checked to find that one of the directories originally missing content now had it, yet the other was still empty.
I'm going to copy that directory's content over to another drive, install one of the left drives and copy it over. Then resynch and see what kind of havoc I can produce, but was wondering what was going on here? thanks