Hi, This must be really old news but I am not sure if anyone managed to resolve this FTP over TLS issue.
Here is what works for me. So I just want to share as it was very frustrating when it didn't work and I struggled over a whole weekend (trial and error).
My config is DNS-320 Sharecentre with Firmware Rev 2.00 Firmware date: Dec 17 2010. Yours may be different so I don't know if it will work for you.
My IP address for the DNS-320 is
1. For the DNS-320, after logging in as admin,
Under Management - Application Management - FTP server, use the following settings and selections:
Max Users 10
Idle Time 5
Port 3688 {you can also select anything between 1025 to 3688; just don't select the default 21 - it won't work}
Passive mode - use the default port range (55536~55663)
- do not need to select Report External IP in PASV mode {optional to select this}*
External IP: {leave this blank}*
Client language: ISO8859-1 << Western European (ISO8859-1)
Flow Control Unlimited
SSL/TLS Select Allow SSL/TLS connection only
FXP Disable
Note*: These two options Report External IP in PASV mode and the actual external IP address are actually optional. You can unselect these option - it should work fine for most good FTP clients. The only thing is that If you do not select Report External IP in PASV mode, then some client such as Filezilla will complaint that unable to connect to IP indicated by PASV mode and then it will fall back to server external IP and it will continue just fine. However, for each transaction it will have this annoying warning message "server sent passive reply with unrouteable address. Using server address instead". If you have an Internet connection that has permanent static IP address, then you can configure this Report External IP in PASV mode and fill in your external IP address in the next line.
2. On your router, depending on the make and model, you have to find the NAT - virtual server menu or some other routers call it the port-forwarding menu.
Add the following entries:
a) External port 3688; Server IP {enter your internal FTP server IP address eg.}; Internet port 3688. Protocol: TCP.
b) External port 55536-55663; Server IP {enter the same FTP server internal IP addr}; Internal port 55536-55663 (same as external port); Protocol TCP.
3. On the client end (I use Filezilla on a laptop tethered to my phone with 4G data network), select the following:
Host IP : Public IP address of your router (you can check this by using canyouseeme.org on your browser from your home network); Alternatively if you already have DDNS setup, then just type in your hostname.domain as per your DDNS instead of numeric IP address.
Port: 3688
Protocol: FTP
Encryption: Use Explicit FTP over TLS
Logon type: Normal
Username:{username to the FTP server}
Password: {password to the FTP server}
The rest of the settings should be able to leave it as default or auto.