My D-Link NWA556 wireless adapter keeps causing problems; my windows restarts a lot as well but thats a separate issue.
My situation: I live in an apartment with 4 others and the internet is shared wirelessly to all of us. The router is slightly far but it’s able to pickup the signal. Since this is a desktop, it does not move around.
Problem: Although it’s very highly rated on Amazon, very few drivers work well with this wireless card. I am using the latest Atheros drivers found on this thread
(1) Any other optimal settings to get the most out of this card? My laptop downloads the same files from my server at about 100kb/s faster even though it’s a “g” adapter
(2) What settings will prevent my computer from restarting continuously (computer is a Asus H67 Mobo = i5 2500 Sandy Bridge)
Potential solutions: Changing the power saving mode to off. Here are the other options:
* 11d Mode Switch = Disable
* 802.11 Bluetooth High Speed = Enable
* 802.11 Preamble = Long and Short
* Adhoc 11n = Off
* Adhoc Channel Select = 11
* Antenna Switch = Auto
* BackgroundScan On/Off = Off
* Dynamic NMO Power Save = Disable
* Green Tx = Off
* Map Registers = 256
* MFP = Disable
* Network Address = Not present
* pcieAspm = L0s Off, L1 Off
* Power Save Legacy Algorithm = PS non Poll
* Power Safe Mode = Normal
* Power Save Policy (Background) = Legacy Power Save
* Power Save Policy (Best Effort) = Legacy Power Save
* Power Save Policy (Voice) = Legacy Power Save
* Radio On/Off = 256
* Receive Buffers = 256
* Roaming Policy = Very Low
* roamRateA = 24mpbs
* roamRateB = 9 Mbps
* roamRateBOnly = 5Mbps
* roamRssiA = 15
* roamRssiB = 24
* roamRssiBOnly = 8
* RSSI Threshold = Min
* Scan Valid Interval = 60
* Transmit Buffers = 512
* Transmit Power = 100%
* Wireless Mode = 11 abgn (40Mhz)
I am using the Atheros drivers. Thank you.