Hi, I am really sorry. I am having a little trouble setting up my DCS 930L email. This is what i put in my screen. I am trying to use a yahoo email address. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks
SMTP Server address: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
SMTP Server Port: 465
Sender E-mail adress: a email adress that I really don't use@gmail.com (I did put @gmail.com at the end)
Receiver email address: the email address that I want images sent to@yahoo.com (I put @yahoo.com at the end too)
User Name: Domain_name (this is the same name as receiver email without putting @yahoo.com at the end
Password: the email addresses password
I then clicked the box SSL-TLS
I thought I was doing this right, but I'm sure there's something wrong here.