Thanks for the response!
My HW version is A1
The FW version is 1.00NA
I have Wow cable high speed internet, its a stand alone router. The modem is a Webstar Scientific Atlanta DPX 1000 series.
Primary DNS and Secondary DNS Addresses are only populated on the Setup/Internet/Manual page when the Enable Advanced DNS Service checkbox is checked, if this isn't checked these fields are 0
Turned off QoS
Turned off Advanced DNS Services
Turned on DNS Relay
Reserved the IP addresses for devices, they auto-detect IP
Firewall settings set to Endpoint Independent for the TCP and UDP
Tried all available wireless modes, which include a G, N, and B, and combinations of them, currently on a mix of all 3
Tried all available wireless channels and set to auto-detect, currently on channel 10
Was using security mode of WPA2 but now have that turned off
Only connections to the router are 1 LAN pc, 2 wireless laptops
No cordless phones in the house
About a dozen other wireless signals are seen by my laptop, my wireless signal is all bars
Firewall and antivirus have been shut down but make no difference to speed so have been turned back on since test. Problem is not on the PC as the internet connection is fast when LAN pc is patched directly to the modem. I'm really baffled as everything worked fine earlier in the week and there have not been any changes to anything.
Thanks again for your response