You guys are awfully critical. The problem with forums is that you have to know what to search for. Depending on the context that prompts a post, the search "question" isn't always apparent (until the answer is understood). I wasn't taking a "car" to a garage, complaining, I was trying to understand what was going on because the performance differential did not make sense to me. I appreciate the informative side of your input, but I don't know that the attitude was necessary. I usually try to read through the stickies, where I'd expect common, repeated questions to be answered. I had not seen anything thing related to throughput performance. And I was doing a disk-disk copy, which ought to be fast. And, as I mentioned, I had no idea that rsync had so much overhead, so I did not think it was the culprit... thus, the performance, as I observed it, would not have been explained by the quoted numbers.
The question remains, what should the disk-disk copy performance be, relative to the speed of the drives?