If I ever get a replacement for my defective DNS-320 I would like to see them fix the DLNA server.
As I previously posted (topic=39052.0), the DNS-320 implementation doesn't stream Photos or Music to my Samsung UN46B8000XF Television. D-Link Tech Support wasn't any help and referred me to Samsung. When I installed TWONKY media server on the DNS-320 TWONKY streamed the same Photos & Music properly. Also, minidlna installed under UBUNTU, was able to stream those files to my TV. This pretty strongly suggests to me that the problem I am experiencing results from the the DNS-320 DLNA server implementation and should be fixed.
Several threads have alluded to problems sharing iTunes libraries. As common as these are, that is a non-working “advertised” feature that is probably impacting a lot of users.
Several threads have alluded to security vulnerabilities that, if present, should definitely be fixed.
>2TB hard drives are becoming increasingly common and should be supported -especially by a NAS.
The DNS-320 should provide a means to backup important files directly to an attached USB drive without having to back them up through a computer over the network.
D-Link should provide a utility (like Ext2Read that “t121anf” posted) to recover files from their RAID-1 data partitions since those partitions appear to be unreadable, even from Linux.
I would like to see better software control of the fan. It is way to loud and seems to come on and then not blow hot enough air to worry about, at least in my air conditioned office.