I would have to disagree, at least partically. Looking at /etc/passwd is see:
/ # cat /etc/passwd
root:x:0:0:Linux User,,,:/usr/share/ftp_server:/bin/sh
admin:x:500:500:Linux User,,,:/usr/share/ftp_server:/bin/sh
nobody:x:501:501:Linux User,,,:/usr/share/ftp_server:/bin/sh
user1:x:502:502:Linux User,,,:/usr/share/ftp_server:/bin/sh
user2:x:503:503:Linux User,,,:/home/ftp:/bin/sh
user3:x:504:504:Linux User,,,:/home/ftp:/bin/sh
It may, and most likely, have to do with the order in which users are created. In my case, the admin user is 500, user "nobody" is 501. The users I created myself were numbered 502 and up. Since your system is different, although my 3 units are identical, I can only assume it relates to the order in which things were configured.
Therefore it is impossible for anyone to accurately tell the OP what specific users "501" and "502" are without looking at the above mentioned file.
Similarly for group IDs
/ # cat etc/group
To answer
sudo chown 501:501 /path/to/file/on/dns
Does this have to do with user 501 not existing on the DNS 323? If so, how can I 'recreate' it? Thanks.
The correct syntax is:
chown [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE...
"owner" is the equivalent to "user"
User "nobody" is a special case in Linux. Be careful changing ownership as you don't want to mess things up, particularly in the root, but essentially to open up ownership, you would connect as an administrator and issue the command:
chown -R nobody:501 /path
You may also need to research the "chmod" command as by changing the mode you can also remove restrictions on files and directories.