Strange I just got and setup my new DIR-515 Rev A1 can't find the "Mixed 802.11g/n mode only" and can only find "Mixed 802.11n/g/b or 802.11n only modes" was this is left out by mistake can someone from D-Link please fix or please explain this I have this "Mixed 802.11g/n mode only" on my other two routers DIR-615 Rev B2 and E3 and not on the DIR-515 come on D-Link make things consistent with basic features and settings like this and could be easily corrected or modified with a simple firmware update I mean seriously this is annoying and I hope D-Link changes, modifies, or at least decide to take action to fix this as soon as possible or look into this I hope someday soon for the DIR-51X-61X series owners and finally gets the firmware updates and fixes it deserves are in the testing or in the works for better firmware quality and consistency across the neighboring families of product models.