So I use Shaw as my ISP, with the dlink DIR-655 as my router.
Originally I was using the DPC3825, and started noticing some nasty signal fluctuations on my phone and wii (would go from 5 bars to 1 bar, causing netflix to drop out, games to disconnect, phone browsing to stop completely, etc) which is why I bought the DIR-655. Needless to say, the issues remain
I have been looking for sources of RF interference.
I do not own a microwave, all the electrical work in this house is brand new, I have no neighbors (live in middle of a forest). I have tried positioning, every wifi channel, building an aluminum satellite dish to direct the signal where I want it to go. I've had it in every room in the house, I've unplugged the fridge and all other RF electronics (cordless phones, etc), and the issue remains.
So what the heck is going on here? Does my house hate wifi signals?
I was thinking maybe dirty power, but my house has emergency power batteries that run 24/7. Any dropouts or flickers aren't even noticed by the system.
This is a picture of the path between the router and my roku box/wii/phone
The router is 1 inch below the camera screen, and the roku box is in the far room. it's 30 feet
what can cause severe fluctuations at 30ft?