Yes in general it's best to verify data. In this specific case the act of verifying data to the DNS-321 causes data corruption, whereas not verifying is unlikely to cause corruption. The typical procedure is to write and immediately verify that file, as opposed to writing all files then verifying from the beginning (more efficient code-wise not having to store the entire list or reload it). I understand your sentiment but in this case what you're condoning will directly lead to data corruption.
First of all, I agree with you to turn off verify. If you are using backup software that you have no control over how verification works, you don't know if the way it verifies will trigger the bug or not. In all likelyhood it will trigger the bug.
Having said that, while backup software that verifies afterwards is theoretically a little less efficient in terms of RAM use, but in real terms it doesn't make a difference. It is no less time efficient.
Most backup software first scans the source disk before doing any create/modify/delete operations, and creates a list of the files in memory. Verify is by hash (CRC32, MD5, or if you are really nuts SHA-512) and length. All you need to do to verify afterwards is to store the hash and length of the source file, then read and hash the destination files after all writing is complete. In my case it adds a whopping 24 bytes (16 byte MD5 + 8 byte length) to each record. Even if you are changing a million files. that's an extra 24MB of RAM consumed. Not a huge deal when even cheap PCs ship with 4GB of RAM.
It took me about an hour to change and test my backup software after I replicated the bug. It runs just as fast (or slow, considering it's writing to DNS-323 and DNS-321) as ever.