What is the longest time you have allowed the Sharecentre to index the files? I recall that this took a very long time on mine - many hours - maybe over a day. I couldn't access the web interface during this time.
I remember when i tried this about a year ago i left it on for at least a day and it still didn't work.
However, i think i've resolved the issue - FINALLY!
My normal naming convention for music is to have a folder per artist, and then album folders beneath that level. I had some folders in my music named Compilations, into which i had more sub-level folders by genre (eg. Compilations/Christmas). I think it was this folder structure that was screwing up the library build.
I've removed these to another separate folder to sort later, but it has now successfully scanned all of my remaining music, within 45 minutes.
The issue i now have is how to access this music on my Ipad. My iTunes Sharecenter has been pulling down the music for over an hour now.
Out of interest, how do people configure iTunes with their DNS 320's to organise and see their music. I've set mine in the iTunes preferences Media folder location to the music folder on my DNS 320, and also checked for iTunes to keep it organised.
Will this enable the Sharecenter to work in iTunes, and for my Ipad to be able to see it? At moment on my Ipad i an only see a few artists and albums - plus it's pulling in some random audio tracks from my PC tat i don't want.