Since we are on the subject of correct QoS settings. If your ISP offers speedboost where you get extra bandwidth for 60 seconds before it slows down to you minimum speed, what do you think your uplink speed should be?
For example, I have 15/2 package, if I run a burst speed test I will get 20/5. If I run a sustained speed test my upload speed will drop from 5M to 2.5meg in 60-90 seconds and level off to about 2.2M until I stop the upload. If I stop the speed test and restart it will do the same thing so my upload just can't sustain the much bandwidth unless there is a pause in it.
If I have my router is set to auto uplink, it measures my upload at >5M.
Anyway, if I set it to 4096 does it really effect QoS? Would playing COD on XBL ever be effected? I am not sure how much bandwidth is used during game play if you are host vs non host.
I played around with setting it at 2048 and 4096 to 5120 and I am not sure if I notice any difference, however I like to have everything working efficiently.
Anyone have any feedback?