I understand the difference between the two and am working on acquiring a third drive for that exact reason. Being a broke college student doesn't help matters much, so I figured at the very least I need some redundancy in case my one drive fails and I lose all my research...most of my critical stuff is kept on solid-state drives.
Anywho, I popped in drive number 2, and it went through its magical process. Under hard-drive configuration it reads, "Volume_1: Raid 1 (Degraded)". What exactly does that mean? Under windows explorer everything appears as normal with the drive, and I still only see one drive, which I assumed would be the case in Raid 1, but what does, "degraded" mean?
Edit: It seems I didn't enable auto-rebuild. I just checked that off and after about 5 minutes the status shows 1% sync completion. I assume this will take quite some time with 1.5 TB of data. Once that is complete I imagine the degraded tag will be removed?