Hi there,
I have issues with motion detection:
1) when using just PIR, event (email with snapshots/video) is generated when ICR filter switched
2) event (email with snapshots/video) is generated regularly every 15 minutes regardless there is absolutely no movement in front of camera (and also when used PIR+Video motion)...
2012-11-02 22:02:04 6 Snapshots by Motion Detection to E-mail is OK.
2012-11-02 22:17:04 6 Snapshots by Motion Detection to E-mail is OK.
2012-11-02 22:32:05 6 Snapshots by Motion Detection to E-mail is OK.
2012-11-02 22:47:06 6 Snapshots by Motion Detection to E-mail is OK.
Is there any solution for these bugs?