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Author Topic: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty  (Read 33862 times)


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Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« on: November 20, 2012, 03:09:35 AM »

My camera uses Lots of data without anyone viewing the camera.

I have it connected to a mobile data limited subscription with 2Gb of transfer each month. When traffic goes over it will limit bandwidth to 64 kbit/s.

After I connected the camera my data usage rise very high and just in a day or two the 2Gb limit was reached.
The speed was then decreased to 64 kbit/s. And the next 3 weeks until my limit was reset the total data usage was up to 4Gb.
That means that in 3 weeks 2Gb data was sent from the camera in only 64 kbit/s.

How could this be?

I have motion detection on that will email me images, that gives me some false positives some days with sun and shadows. But that should add up to a few Mb as maximum for a month.

I also have remote power on/off on this specific camera. I have now turned it off and the sent data from my modem has stopped.

WHERE does the D-link camera stream live to? It's password protected and no one except me has the password.

I can't see open sessions in my router (Dovado 4GR) and my mobile broadband supplier (Telenor) can not see where the data is transferred.

But the camera is sending data somewhere, WHY? and how can I turn that off?



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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 04:52:36 AM »

Is it so that the camera is pushing images to myDlink 24/7 with no option not to use that service?

I understand the root cause for this, users not with knowledge in networking and portforwarding not having to do anything because the camera pushed data out.

If this is the case it's a horrible solution if it can't be turned off. I have a mobile internet connection in my vacation house that has very limited bandwidth because of the location.

It's also only used for surveillance purpose and therefore I use the cheapest subscription with only 2Gb of transfer each month. If this camera uses all my bandwidth in a few days it's just a terrible solution.

Firmware must then implement a feature to disable this feature.

And I have found no information about that the camera streams data without my knowledge.

Is this the reason for the extensive data usage?


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 08:42:26 AM »

I'm wondering if you have set options that send images to somewhere based on motion detection? The motion detection is VERY unsophisticated.


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 12:50:42 AM »

I'm wondering if you have set options that send images to somewhere based on motion detection? The motion detection is VERY unsophisticated.

I have motiondetect on that will email me images. But the number of emails needed to use 5Gb data in 3 weeks would really spam my mailbox. And that is not the case. Some emails is sent but not to the extent that it would send data 24/7 that is needed for those amounts of data we are talkning about.-
We are talking in the amounts of Mb data sent by motiondetection emails. Not 5Gb!

(First stated that it was 4Gb data used in 3 weeks. I have to correct that to 5Gb!)


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2012, 06:50:28 AM »

To rule out email traffic, can you please disable email notifications to see if your monthly throughput changes?
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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 05:43:21 AM »

I'w remotely turned off the camera when the invoice period ended and my data usage was reset to 0 again to see what happens.
The camera has then been turned off and only a few Mb has been registered as uploaded so it's definitely the DLink camera that are sending huge amount of data.

That was 10 days ago and when I now try to turn off power to the camera I can't get it to go online.
I'm not sure if it could be that the remote power outlet haven't turned on the power or if the camera won't connect to the network.

Does the camera loose it saved settings after just 10 days without power?

The camera is placed in my vacation house and we have no plans to go there for quite some time. It's quite costly just to go there to only configure the camera if it's lost the settings.

So for the moment it seems like I can't do any further investigation until I get on site to check why the camera won't connect.

The good thing is that I have a second camera (Edimax) that works. So I still have some surveillance.


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2012, 06:23:09 AM »

I could be wrong, but I don't think the DCS-932L will lose it's settings if powered down for a prolonged period of time. Do you have remote access to your router? Logging into the router should enable you to see whether the camera is on the network or not, as the IP address will be visible from the router.
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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 06:44:04 AM »

I can access the router (Dovado 4GR online with at 3G modem http://www.dovado.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=20 )

But the admin GUI and functions in this router is not that great. I have no possibility to see any records of any connection attempts or anything that can give me clues why the camera is not responsible.
I can see a short session to the camera with the local IP-number and the MAC-adress of 00:00:00... So it seems that the router only reports any internal communication even if there is no answering unit on that IP.

So it could be the power outlet that won't switch on of some reason and that's the reason why the camera is not accessible. Other outlets on/off works if I try them (for example the other camera that gives me feedback if it stops feeding images).
There is no feedback from the outlet if it is turned on or off. So I can't for sure say that it's the camera or the outlet to blame.


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 07:02:24 AM »

The router will tell you if the camera power is on.  If the camera is on, the camera IP address will appear in the connected device table. If the camera is powered off, the camera will be removed from that list. The router can only see devices that are powered-up.
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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2012, 07:24:27 AM »

BTW is the camera connected to your router via a wired or wireless connections?

Depending on the nature of the issue, the camera can be powered-up, visible to the router, but non-responsive to mydlink. This is what I'm trying to affirm or rule out.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 07:45:23 AM by JavaLawyer »
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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2012, 04:19:37 AM »

Camera booted up just now. Must have been the signals having problem reaching the outlet. Have been having very "thick air". Lot of rain and moist the last couple of weeks and that could be the reason why it wouldn't turn on.

Turned off motion detection and the current data amount sent is 99Mb since 16/11.


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2019, 06:54:07 AM »

Some serious necro-posting here...
Altough my cameras are all DCS-935L this was the closest thread I could find, and this applies to those too.

I am too wondering what this is about.
A small streem would be no problem, neither locally or through WAN, but since I have numerous DCS:s occupying the 2.4 air, all cameras become unstable. The bottleneck would be the router, but this should not be happening at all so I won't take "buy accesspoints" as a good answer.

I need to stop this stream which should not go anywhere unless called upon.
Or is it D-Link tapping into my stream? Can't tell so it's got to go...

Which ports do I have to keep open? Perhaps I can block every else?


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Re: Camera sends LOTS of data without any acitivty
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2019, 08:49:09 AM »


  • What Hardware version is your DCS? Look at the sticker behind or under the camera.
  • Link>What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on the DCSs web page under status.
  • What region are you located?

What Mfr and model is the main host router?
What wireless modes are you using?
What is the distance between the Camera and the main host router?
How many other model# cameras and devices do you have connected to the main host router?

Some serious necro-posting here...
Altough my cameras are all DCS-935L this was the closest thread I could find, and this applies to those too.

I am too wondering what this is about.
A small streem would be no problem, neither locally or through WAN, but since I have numerous DCS:s occupying the 2.4 air, all cameras become unstable. The bottleneck would be the router, but this should not be happening at all so I won't take "buy accesspoints" as a good answer.

I need to stop this stream which should not go anywhere unless called upon.
Or is it D-Link tapping into my stream? Can't tell so it's got to go...

Which ports do I have to keep open? Perhaps I can block every else?
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.