The first page seems to be the interesting one, and a loose automated translation resulted in:
DIR-645 -Wake on LAN over the internet
as of 05.03.2012 for DIR-645 Rev.A with firmware 1.02b11
wake upTo a disabled computer or NAS in a switched network on the DIR-645 via the Internet using Wake on LAN (WOL) , the DIR-645 must be configured Virtual Server rule.
1. Important The DIR-645 can only send the magic packet as a unicast packet in the network. Therefore, the IP of the device to be woken up to be specified. An indication of the network address broardcast eg is the DIR-645 not possible.
2. Important A Magic Packet is always addressed to a specific MAC address. Thus, the DIR-645 knows the MAC address of the device to be woken up and they can save with the Virtual server rule, the DIR-645 has the MAC address and corresponding IP address must be known. This is done either by the fact that the aufzuweckende unit obtained its IP by DHCP from the DIR-645, that communicates with the DIR-645 (has), or if the device communicates aufzuweckende otherwise with the DIR-645 (has), for example, by calling its configuration interface or access the Internet via the DIR-645.