I am a new owner of DNS-325 and I spent a couple of days trying to back-up a remote Linux system via rsync.
My need was to push content from the Linux system, an not to pull it from the NAS.
The origin of data is a Linux box on a very variable IP address (notebook connected to several different networks);
The destination is a NAS connected with a DSL link and exposed with a dynamic DNS FQDN.
I quickly got stuck with the rsync implementation of DNS-325: the Remote Backup Service password dialog does not cite any user, it simply states that the "remote client" will use that password.
but for a rsync connection, one needs user and password.
Eventually, installing Fonz fun_plug, I could inspect the system configuration and I found that:
the rsyncd user is locked on 'root'
the rsyncd password is not the one I type in the dialog box, rather it is its base64 representation.
Thus I managed syncing my remote system with these steps.
1) I set the password (I.E. 'Secret-531') in the Remote Backup service page
2) I translated 'Secret-531' via base64 -> 'U2VjcmV0LTUzMQ=='
3) I used the command 'rsync my_dir root@example.dyndns.com::module/dir' with the base64 password
Can somebody here confirm that this is the only way to do this, and if this is a feature of DNS-32(0|5) or, better, a bug in implementation or documentation?