Prices on the Internet are in the region of 2200 Australian dollars! Blue iris was 50 euro plus 7 euro for iPhone and iPad.
I don't know if forum rules allow it so if they don't feel free to strike that remark but the blue iris software is impressive! Client is very solid, immediate access to recordings and alerts, excellent image quality even if compressed for mobile devices, and very analytic scheduling, recording and alert management.
I am impressed. And for the cost, twice impressed.
Dview Pro, like the basic version is a proper VIdeo Management Platform. But seems dated, I couldn't stop alerts from large bugs on night mode ( the infrared makes them look white and catches the motion). There were nights I got 200 alert emails. All false. At minimum sensitivity. Blue iris allowed you to tweak sensitivity by pixels. It's not triggered by repeating motion like trees in the wind, you can black out spots too (like dview). You can start and stop recording and alerts relative to sunset and sunrise and you input longitude and latitude to do that. You can see who is watching remotely, from any place remote or local, you can group cameras and send different alerts or give viewing privileges to such groups. The remote platform is http based so you can log in from anywhere and even access alerts. Also you can trigger recording based on motion. With dview I had 450gb at 1080 and 10fps with constant recording of 11 cams and deletion every week. I now have less that 100.
In all honesty I was affraid to explore an other software and was hoping for a decent dview price. When trial expired, I had to. Best thing I did. I wouldn't go back at this stage.
By the way, the dview pro is included in the CD inside the cams. If they can't sell licenses outside Australia why do they include it?