I should probably start off by stating that I'm an IT manager for a chemical company, so we can dispense with the simple steps.
No factory restore because I don't wish to lose my settings as there are a lot of them to have to rebuild.
Saving my settings, resetting, and restoring would put us back where we started. So that's a no go.
Factory reset was done before the firmware update, but that's been quite some time ago. At least a year or more.
I know my router's IP, as evidenced by the fact that I get TO the login page, but can't get past it.
As I clearly stated, I have tried two browsers. Opera would make little difference since its a Mozilla fork.
I do not use DHCP for my desktop, I have a reserved IP matched to its MAC ID and a static IP in Windows.
Third party software? Seriously??? I don't use a third party firewall as Windows has an adequate one built in, and I would have already tested disabling third party software before coming here to ask for help.
So what I'm really after here is an idea what would cause the CGI script to hang while processing a login, and what my browsers might not be doing that they should be doing.