Recently i had bought DCS-2210 and was very disappointed by the fact that this camera shows the video on it's internal webpage with small framerate (about 1 fps i think) and completely without sound! Previously i had read an
interesting article in Russian IT blog called "Habrahabr", and this article was about an free and open source online player that using mozilla vlc plugin as an engine to render the video on the webpage. So i decided to try to use this player as a frontend to play the rtsp feed from my camera on my webpage, and that works!!! You can take a look at player using this link just input domain/ip_address of your camera and login/pass, for example rtsp://login:password@camera_ip/live1.sdp (for DCS-2210, your camera may have an other path to video feed) and click "Play"! I was very glad and decided to go further and get in contact with Alexandr Solodov, the developer of this wonderful project, i told him about issues with IP-cameras and he gave me slightly changed version of this player. This version have 3 fields - for path to live video feed, for user's login name and for password. You can check this version of player using this link (its in russian language, 1st input fieldd - path to rtsp or mjpeg feed, e.g. rtsp://camera_ip/live1.sdp , 2nd - your login name, 3rd - your password). I have downloaded and installed this player onto my personal website and now can see the video from my ip-camera with sound and with ~15 fps. This solution is cross-platform, at least i was able see the video in Opera 15 and Chrome in Windows 7 and in Opera 12 and Firefox in Ubuntu Linux, everything you need is just to install the free and open source VLC Player from Hope that solution will be helpful to somebody.
You can get the player from Github, but if you want to use the modified version on your website, you might need to obtain the modified html file from and modified style.css file from
Sorry for my bad english!