Hard ware Ver.A1
Firm Ware Ver. 1.09W
Region: I’m in Cornwall, South West England
The router was wired from the modem to pc. and it was being used as wireless to the lap top
The modem is working so I have internet when the router is removed.
The power cable to the router is showing 5v with a volt meter.
Is there a 5V label on the back of the router stamped into the plastic where the power plug goes? Just verifying which voltage this router uses. Some are 5v, some are 12v. Whats the voltage say on the power adapter label? Look under OUTPUT. Does the router power up at all?
I went away for a week and switched off the main was plug to all things used with the pc including the router. After I returned and switched everything back on the router would not provide wireless internet to the lap top, I have tried the reset a couple of times.
Does a wired LAN PC connection work with the router? Can you access the routers web page at if it powers up? If you can get it to power up and connected to the routers web page, then there could be something else thats not working right. There is newer FW available.
I’m using Virgin –cable
With a virgin modem 256V2
Do you know if this modem has any built in router features by chance?
I don’t really understand the last part of your question list but all was fine before!
• Check ISP MTU requirements, Cable is usually 1500, DSL is around 1492 down to 1472. Call the ISP and ask. Link>Checking MTU Values
• For DSL/PPPoE connections on the router, ensure that "Always ON" option is enabled.
You'll need to remain on the phone to get your router into an RMA request...
So from what your saying if I understand you correctly -taking into account my answers above I would need to have everything connected and call Dlink to fix it, while on the phone?
Is that correct?
If the router fails to power up at all, you'll need to phone in and talk to D-Link support and ask for an RMA. RMA Means Return Materials Authorizaion. Just means that you'll be sending the router back to D-Link for repairs or getting another same model unit.
Be advised that this router is no longer in production or developed on.