not calling you a lier or anything but alot of people on this forum
complain about a freeze after 3-4 days
so ither your case is rare or whatever
sorry if i hurt you
Considering the fact that until 1.20, every single firmware before that, including 1.12, 1.15 and 1.16 caused LAN TX Packets dropped caused me issues, it might be hardware revision specific. I had zero success with 1.12+ firmwares until 1.20, and I couldn't downgrade below that.
Originally my router came with 1.02, and when I did the upgrade from 1.02 to 1.12 is when my troubles started occurring. I've had nothing but issues with the DGL 4500 since I upgraded, and finally ordered a new different router before decided to install 1.20 as a "last chance".
I disable lot of the extraneous cruft on the DGL-4500. I don't allow it to serve up DNS. I statically set the majority of device IP addresses in DHCP. If I can hardcode it for my home network, I do that. It might the customizations I'm doing to minimize the **** going to the router is enabling it to handle the load. I don't allow it to do dyndns updates. I had my dyndns account locked out because the damn router kept rebooting with 1.15. The NTP update at boot was causing a config change... which caused the router to reboot, and sending a DDNS update request every 30 seconds.
I've seen posts on here of people asking the router to do everything for >10 devices. That's a lot to ask for 1 device. It's even worse if you have a high speed line like FIOS where processing that much traffic with the router's firewall is a lot of computing power. I have 12 devices on my home network, 3 of which are routers themselves, and they spread the work. It might be I'm just not stressing my DGL with multiple complex tasks allowing it to do the simple task, aka routing.