I think that torrents might be the key here. When my kids bt heavily the problem occurs although nothing in the logs is abnormal. No bt and the problem doesn't surface.
i disagree ... first I had no problems at all with this firmware but now i have to do a reboot pretty often ... wireless disconnects, speed decreasing to a few kilobytes, shareport unavailable (no device found until reboot) etc.
I don't torrent at all!
I have 3 wireless clients (2 PC, 1 Wii) and 3 wired clients (1 PC, 1 Xbox1, 1 Xbox360) online, but the error occurs even if only one computer is online.
I never ever had these issues using an older firmware (not even using beta ones)!
And yes, I did everything from scratch as I do every time I flash a new fw to my router.
My cable modem shows:
Downstream Channel
Downstream Status
Channel ID
Downstream Frequency
562000000 Hz
Bit Rate
55616000 bits/sec
Power Level
8.0 dBmV
Signal to Noise Ratio
39.0 dB
Upstream Channel
Upstream Status
Channel ID
Upstream Frequency
41000000 Hz
Bit Rate
5120000 bits/sec
Power Level
49.7 dBmV