Sometime people are up to throw things against the wall, With the DNS-320 this moment is coming nearby.
F***ng pheripal. At home have two computers, a laptop (Wired/unwired, but for configuration of the DNS-320 wired..... and on my home office just a desktop. Configuration with the desktop, put in the disc. Start the wizard, found the DNS and ready. Get to the storage utility, DNS found, mapping drive, finished. Applied fixed IP address, DNS works fine.......... AND THEN.... configuring my laptop. Switch off wireless and use networkcable to patch on the network, yes the same as my dsktop.
Execute ping and DNS appears in the Network, typing the address in explorer, i came in the sharecentre, however with no possibilities to do anything.
AND THE DRAMA CONTINUES..... Put in the disk, start the wizard...... Nothing, DNS remains not appearing in the wizard field, still present in the network and even in the routers overview.........BUT NOT in the wizard. Switch off switch on, light blinking result :NONE Wizard still not find the DNS...... Oh wat do i miss the WD netshare, it was so easy to do.... but this s***ty pheripal drives me crazy.....