I try not to put too much stock in speed tests, especially since one side of them is out of my control. Using time warner's internal speed test, I get consistent results from my PC through this router. speedtest.net wasn't always consistent, but last night I tried several servers around the country and got pretty consistent results.
The Xbox One tests are a little more troubling. Packet loss and a high ping can be the difference between life and death in an FPS like COD. I've also had nightly games where it was laggy and stuttering when no one else in my party was having an issue. I just assumed it was some slight incompatibility between my router and the host's router.
I have the Xbox One as #1 in my priority list on the 5500 and I've set the down and up measurements to 100 and 10, respectively.
My real world tests (other than the periodic lag in COD Ghosts) were more positive with this router. I tried streaming 3 HD videos (two wired devices and one wireless) and had no issues, with traffic shaping enabled. Interestingly, when I tried streaming just one video from the furthest wireless connection in my house and nothing else, with traffic shaping off, the video would have to buffer every few minutes. Enabling traffic shaping eliminated it. Strange considering there was no other traffic on my network at the time.
Turning traffic shaping off did not change the lag in Ghosts, so I am leaving it on. Again, that is just every once in a while, but it is concerning that no one else is experiencing it on my team. I tried rebooting both devices (5500 and Xbox One) before gaming last night and did not get much lag. It will be interesting to take the router out of the loop and try the Xbox One network test and a night of gaming.