Ah thanks very much JavaLawyer!
So would all I need to do is go onto the set up until the point where it allows me to change the static IP and then just close the setup? I don't need to complete the whole set up (including formatting the HD) for all changes to take effect?
I had a couple of other questions if you don't mind as you seem to know your stuff!
I currently only have 1 HD in, if I want to add another, do I need to format them both?
I bought a DDNS service, didn't cost much but I later found that I can access my DLINK by typing in the IP address from Chrome...have I wasted $30 on a service that is provided by DLINK?
Following on from the last, am I able to upload/download via the Chrome interface?
Finally, is there any media program from DLINK that allows me to play my video files when I am away from my network e.g. at a mates house with my laptop plugged into the TV? Or even from a smart TV...?
Many thanks!