Well I upgraded my Internet, I now have 105down and 10up.
Now my problem is the bandwidth is always sporadic, and this is for both the dlink and linksys. I have stream boost/media prioritization off on both of them and everything set the way it should. But when I doo a speed test the results are sporadic. I will test it wired to the router and sometimes I will get 111down and 11up and other times I will get 30-70down and 11up. My up always stays the same, wired or wireless. If I test it wireless the most I get is 75down(linksys), 65(down)dlink and 10-11up. And sometimes I may only get 15-40down wireless. The up speed never really gets effected
I seem to get the high readings when I 1st do the test, then if I do the test again a minute later it is always lower.
My modem is the SBG6580, I have in bridge mode because the internal router sucks