Hi giftmugs,
It is a pity that we sold our 343 to a client because it was exactly what he wanted, otherwise I'd take it apart to see exactly what was there.
One thing that should be noted, unless JavaLawyer actually got a response from someone that actually has hands on experience of working with the units I would question the response he got.
Reason for doubt.
Several years ago we became agents for some equipment produced by a manufacturer in LA. Part of the agency agreement required that I sent someone over to their offices 'for training', I was the one that went because I needed to arrange for spare parts and other things. The first morning of the training period ended up with me teaching their service department how to field service their equipment with minimum equipment and spare parts (all they did was replace suspect parts from the factory floor). It ended up with them sending their service manager and head technician over to us for training (hence my not naming the product or manufacturer).
It is possible that the information that JavaLawyer was given is incorrect from a field servicing point of view but not a manufacturer point of view where they just change parts. The real problem will be if there are missing software hooks in the bios to allow u-boot to operate and no JTAG connector pads on the board (although direct solder connections might be possible but that requires skill).
As for D-Link products, we find them reliable and recommend their use to our clients as well as using then ourselves. I will admit we don't update firmware unless there is some feature in the new firmware that we need. As far as I remember all of our NAS units are on the firmware they had when we got them but then they are used as either storage units or backup units with some being backup units to others.