... You might ask him to be honest and have him show you what he's doing when this happens... however it shouldn't happen if you can get his phone in to a Mac Reserved IP address then set up a QoS rule with him and his sister in a low priority rule like 255, this should stop this.
One thing, your on a fairly low band width and speed for ISP. Depending on what you guys do, you may need to bump up the ISP speed package to the next level. You maybe hitting a upper threshold of devices and operations, where just your family, it works ok, however adding two more devices maybe putting you over the limits for this ISP package...Just a suggestion for now.
We had a chat at the park today... mostly about how it was bad to lie to poor ole uncle Erick; we also touched on why teenagers are such bad liars. I will get you the info on the "what" specifically next time he does it. Currently I have him playing Tribes, and they're about to leave soon, so this thread will go dormant for a week or two.
Oddly, before we began this I had them both at 255. I was at 1, which I learned is bad too, but now that we're 50 (game), 128 (wife and other machines), and 200 (kids), this will hopefully be an issue that evaporates?
There's something else I thought of. It's possible his phone is using a lot of bandwidth in the background, above and beyond internet usage, that I hadn't considered yet... like all his apps that check the internet for random meaningless information... what kid needs to know the weather, right?
Unfortunately I can't get a higher tiered package. We live in San Francisco and the infrastructure here is just terrible. Sonic is trying to get fiber to us, but they're up against a city council that has a serious case of cranial rectumitis. Having said that, Sonic doesn't have a bandwidth cap; the speed anyone gets is what they can get according to their line. Some really lucky guys get 20mb; myself, 4.5, all for the same price.
Cable is out of the question. I used to work for Comcast. It's the first (and last) job I've ever had where I actually lost sleep and the first job I've ever quit. There are no other options... plus, Cable can't touch the flat rate of $59.00 after taxes for unlimited phone nationwide and Canada plus uncapped internet.
/end shameless plug.
Anyway, thanks again for all your time, your patience, and your help. It is much appreciated... and hey, if the determination is made that I "need" a 5500... well... I'm good with that too. I just need something official in writing I can hand to the wife. lol.