I cannot access any computers or devices via remote on the second wireless network.
I have the main network working with a wired internet connection. I used a DWL-2100 AP to send the wireless signal over to the second network using a DAP 1522. The second netwrok can access everything from the first network (I assume because the DAP 1522 is reading the DWL 2100) but I cannot read anything on the second netwrok from the first because I have nothing 'reading' the DAP 1522. The DAP 1522 is set to auto.
Am I correct in assuming that the auto setting is probably using the AP setting and if I changed it to Bridge, all my prblmes would go away??? If not, would adding a second DAP 1522 to the first network and using th econnect feature solve my problem?
Main problem is that I cannot access anything on the second network from the first network - but I can access the first network from the second no problem.