I found some strange login attempts in my log:
my NAS is configured in the network as IP
Logins should come from this network range.
I found this:
Jul 18 22:03:37 NAS smbd: CIFS: Authentication for user [lars@scandimedia.de] has FAILED.
Jul 18 22:03:37 NAS smbd: CIFS: [] connected to [Volume_1] as user [nobody].
Some others with different IPs, too:
Jul 18 15:44:46 NAS smbd: CIFS: Authentication for user [ERSAN] has FAILED.
Jul 18 15:44:49 NAS smbd: CIFS: [] connected to [Volume_1] as user [nobody].
Jul 18 15:44:50 NAS smbd: CIFS: [] connected to [Time_Machine] as user [nobody].
Neither do I know the usernames, nor the IPs.
how can They connect to my NAS?
Can I somehow disable the dlink connection, to prevent this?