Hi everyone,
This is Michael writing to you from Denmark. I am the happy owner of several D-Link products and have considered myself a small D-Link-fan ever since my fantastic DIR-655 router. Now I have the DIR-880, which isnt as geeky, but it does the job and is pretty fast. I also have some DCS-cameras on my network.
I am not sure whether to post this issue in the DSP-W215 section or the DIR-880. The DIR-880 is a HW revision A1 and runs firmware revision 1.02 (DHCP enabled and public IP please ask for more info if needed!!). I was unable to update the DSP-W215 since my network crashes the moment it connects so I guess it runs whatever firmware revision the first EU-version ships with. The issue is as simple as it is incapacitating.
1: Everything runs smooth with 8 to 20 units on my network, which connects to both theLAN, 2.4GHz and the 5GHz WiFi.
2: After a very slow setup of the DSP-W215 it finally connects in five seconds and the router crashes and becomes unavailable and the WiFi-SSIDs becomes invisible (naturally)
Every unit loses connection (naturally)
3: Router successfully recovers and all units reconnect and the second the DSP-W215 reconnects the same thing happens all over again and so it continues until I pull the DSP-W215 from the plug finally a stable network.
I experienced exactly the same with the DAP-1320 (Wireless N300 Range Extender). Could it be the same radio chip or something like that? I am puzzled and in search of some special domain knowledge to solve this issue. I have notified D-Link if a firmware upgrade could be required.
Merry Christmas
Kind regards,