This is my second DAP-1525. The first one "failed" identically to this one after a week or so. I exchanged it at the store for a new on and this one has lasted a month or so. I find it hard to believe that two units would fail identically in such an odd fashion so I am hoping there is something I am missing and that I can bring the unit back to life. Here is the setup:
Unit is in bridge mode
Unit address: (static)
Unit worked fine until I took a trip. While I was gone I unplugged the surge protector from the wall as we can have severe thunderstorms here.
When I returned from my trip, I powered everything back on. The DAP-1525's power light came on but that was all. I was unable to ping the unit on its old ( or new address. I power cycled the unit again, same result. I did a factory reset. Same result. I tried the emergency firmware recover method. Which did get me the firmware upload screen so I uploaded 1.02 again. Same result.
The switch shows there is a link. When I put the unit in AP mode my tablet does not show an SSID for the unit.
I really do not want to have to scrap this unit, but if it is toast, it is toast. I am just hoping a guru here can point me in a new direction.