Thanks i will try a complete reinstall and start from scratch.
Jdownloader opens a browser window and that seems to link to me Jdownloader PC version.
I can see my files in the list, but when i select download it downloads on the PC but changes
the download directory from C:downloads to C: mnt// etc..
I have done something wrong.. May signup to JD again as a fresh user and see what happens.
PS> Do i need to launch interface with JAVA 8? Nothing seems to happen when i click that?
EDIT: reinstalled JAVA 8 and JD. The interface says i need to install on a PC. Used the same login
details. I run my VM with JD running. Connect and i can see my files from the interface and start
the download. But when i close JD on the computer my download stops.
What am i missing?
I don't have JD installed on PC just this don't have VM either to help test
When installing
install java - start the service - reboot
install jd addon - start the service - reboot
can't remember exactly but I think this is what happened (as chrome is my default browser).
Logged into NAS webgui - Applications - selected JD and launched. It asked for id and password then asked if I wanted the extension which I accepted.
Now when I want to download on NAS I right click and select Download via JD. JD flashes message to state download link added. I click it and it takes
me to JDownloader@nobody and I have to select and move from Linkcollector to Download....if necessary I have to complete captcha
As stated the install created a folder "MyJDownloader" on the NAS and everything via JD goes there.