We presume this has to do with Windows Mobile OS platforms. Which D-Link is already aware of. There was an issue with users on T-Mobile devices. I believe that issue was fixed. Not sure though. Please be patient while D-Link works on the Windows mobile platform issue.
This thread has helped confirm what I feared, a problem with the software on Windows phone platform. We never get any good productivity apps, just useless games. What I don't understand, is like everyone else experienced, why it happened after an update of the app(written by dlink or an affiliate), and not during a phone update. Seems like this should be able to be fixed rather easily with a rollback, as it used to work perfectly!! (well, really slow and buggy, but it at least worked).
So, we have established that someone out there is working on the issue, I don't expect it to ever get fixed, and I guess will start carrying my tablet with me for emergencies. Can we maybe start an email list, so that IF the update gets fixed, all those users affected might be notified and not have to randomly reinstall this app and try to connect until such time that it might work? We would all be literally insane then..
I spent 4 hours at work freaked out because my camera detected a motion(email alert, cant get to send vid clip though, setup fails test when I try), I couldn't pull up a stream or SD recording to find out what happened. Checked logs from my computer, turns out it was the camera adjusting light sensitivity. I've never had a false alarm before this though, so I was kinda stressed.
For what it's worth, I tried on wifi and 3g, boost mobile(runs on sprint), phone is a Lumia 635 running WP 8.1, camera is DCS-942LB1. Have tried reinstalling the app as well. Works fine on my computer with Windows 10, so it shouldn't be a local network problem.