then why dint dink put an check within the firmware to identify the region of the firmware and if the check fails on the upload of a firmware, we wont be able to do it
giving us the ability to upgrade firmware irrespective of the region just reinforces our ability to void this warranty.
I'm sure dink can implement this easily
Yes - it could be done.
Let me give you some reasons why most manufacturers would avoid such a scheme.
Instead of having one device with one part number being manufactured on one production line, you will now have to multiply those costs by how many ever regions you choose to set up - take a look at D-Link Europe's structure if you want an idea of how many regions they have to deal with.
Let's say your sales in Britain for what ever reason have increased whilst sales in Germany have dropped (or vice versa) - you can't just move product from one warehouse to the next to meet demands, you'd have to either manufacture new product or ship the old product to a facility that has the capability to reflash the firmware to suit the region.
Don't underestimate the cost of managing inventory - typically most manufacturers will market the same device unless there are legal regulations preventing them.
One of the manufacturers for whom I do warranty support ships the same product worldwide, with instruction manuals printed in multiple languages, self adhesive control panel overlays in multiple languages, a universal 90~270VAC power brick and three different AC line cords - on product that retails for well under USD$100 - a lot of that stuff goes in the trash - but it's cheaper to include it that to have to track the issues I mentioned earlier.