• February 22, 2025, 06:10:42 PM
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Author Topic: Add-on MiniDLNA 1.1.5 (package 1.04) and Disk suspend mode issues on DNS-325  (Read 3229 times)


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Add-on Application questions and issues, please include the following minimal information in your post:
* ShareCenter Model : DNS-325
* Add-on Name : MiniDLNA
* Add-on Version : package 1.04
* Detailed Description of your Issue

Dear All,

I purchased the Add-on MiniDLNA 1.1.5 (package 1.04) and thx to the author, quite everything is working exactly as expected. The brand new TV can access again the library, where it was failing with the DNS build-in Media server.
The only concern I have is about the suspend mode build in the DNS-325 that is not working anymore when the addon is enabled.

I read several forums/topics on this subject but did not succed to have it configured correctly.

I even try to set 5 minutes tiemout before disk suspension the the original DNS-325, and disabled inotify in the MiniDLNA configure page (or set the time to 895 instead of 300 by dafaut), nothing is working and the disks are always spinning all time (with the front light on). I checked the the libary is fully build successfully in the Interface page before the tests.
As soon as I disable the MiniDLNA add-on, 5 minuts later the DNS-325 enter is suspend mode.

Do you have any ideas/advises for the MiniDLNA setup in order to have this suspend mode back ?

Thx to all in advance.



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Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to deal with other people's software source code. I took the source code from the official MiniDLNA website.
Add-on Application questions and issues, please include the following minimal information in your post:
* ShareCenter Model
* Add-on Name
* Add-on Version
* Detailed Description of your Issue
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