Another request ....
My old NAS that i sold on e-bay was a Buffalo. It have a good feature : Backup to USB drive ...
It's look like the sceduler, but with 1 important thing : it give you a status of the copy in a TXT file. The name of the TXT file is the current backup date, and it'S located in the root of the location where the copy is.
More backup run, more TXT file give the list of the copied file.
I did'nt find anything that can confirm me that the copy as been done successful, and which file as been copied. Having a list are a good feature. Actually, i only see the "?" icon on the Scheduler status tab.
Here the request :
- The Scheduler must create a status (in TXT file, located somewhere on the NAS), that include all perform action in each task, result good or bad. It help finding problems (like error connection, drive not working, out of space,...)
The reason why to have this TXT file is also to valid that the incremental scheduler works fine. For now, i think the schedule copy everything over and over, instead of copy only the modify file.
Another request :
- Support UPS : The other Buffalo product support this feature, so when we only have 5 min left on the UPS, the NAS shutdown (correctly !!!). So no problems with the file struction because the device shutdown correctly !!!