Testing environment: Two R15s, one as an extender. Both upgraded to 1.04.01BETA Most Wireless left at defaults. Tried these configurations:
Primary | Extender | Time | Notes |
Non-SC | Non-SC | 1 week | Worked OK |
Non-SC | SC | 1-2 hours | Seemed to work OK |
SC | Mesh | 1 week | Very solid but see below |
OK final update on Beta firmware:
Most of the issues seem to be resolved as reported above. I still get the glitches in the game I mentioned which do not happen over the previous Wi-Fi but it's one of those harder "How do I give you useful information" bugs. In Smart Connect I didn't see any issues with Wi-Fi not routing etc, but it did occur when not in Smart Connect mode. I'm unsure if this is an issue with the R15 or my laptop.
Otherwise the Wi-Fi is fairly solid and I didn't come across any devices that wouldn't connect to it, regardless of whether it was in Mesh+SC, Smart Connect, or regular old two (that is, one 2.4GHz, and one 5GHz) APs mode.
For the router side, everything is fine too.
The WebUI is also more solid, with none of the issues of making changes causing unusable W-Fi configurations.
For the extender: in both mesh and traditional extender mode, the router that's in extender mode seems to have problems with stability. It'll unexpectedly reboot itself. When it was in traditional extender mode this happened at least 3 times that week. In mesh mode it's harder to tell but I have caught it in the act doing it twice this week.
Suggestions (all for a future major update, don't delay releasing 1.4 for these):
Can I recommend the UI allows the user to retrieve logs for routers in extender mode? This'll help us help the devs track down causes of the reboots. On that note the logs including a larger time frame and dedupping messages is probably worth doing too (my logs on my main router are full of the message "radvd_cli: DDDDDDD current_vaild_time is 604800", often multiple times a second, which probably isn't helpful to anyone.)
Also on a personal wishlist: Some control over whether 5GHz is on in Smart Connect mode, maybe even allowing clients to have their 5GHz blacklisted by MAC ID would be useful if this is practically possible. I ask because I do have one device that has problems with 5GHz networking but superficially supports it, and when I Googled I found this is a very common problem, with a variety of different Wi-Fi adapters. It shouldn't be, and it's not D-Link's job to work around bugs in other people's Wi-Fi hardware and drivers, but Smart Connect is likely to bring a lot of these issues to the fore by forcing use of 5GHz when previously people would go "Huh, I guess 5GHz doesn't work, I'll just keep it on the 2.4 band."
Conclusion: please release this as soon as practically possible. It's a huge and very welcome update.