Hi everyone. I have been using an SMC-3100 Modem/router for my dsl connection. Now, what I have been doing is setting up the SMC as a "Bridge" and then I have my D-Link WBR-2310 connected to it and I use the Dlink to login to my PPPoE account. Now, since yesterday, it seems my internet company had a small connection problem, but when it cam back, the Dlink would no longer Login to PPPoE , it kept saying CONNECTING in the Dlink status page, but never did. Then, I reset my SMC and used it as the login device, to PPPoE, then connected the Dlink to simply take the signal from the SMC and all worked. So, can anyone figure out why My DLINK wont login to my PPPoE account? Like I said, I had the SMC setup as a bridge to the Dlink until the day my internet companies connection went down, then since then, I have to login through the modem(which is also a router) and set the dlink to simply take the connection from it as a Dynamic connection. I have the latest firmware installed, but cant find any for the SMC modem.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.